30 June 2010

'8 kunstwerken en een Tielts volkstoneel'

met objecten van Assaf Gruber, Leon Vranken, Freek Wambacq, Hedwig Houben, Audrey Cottin, Wobbe Micha, Kristof Van Gestel.
vormgeving poster Piet Bodyn.

photos © Bert de Leenheer

Performance 06/2010, 'Cuesta , actuele kunst in Tielt'

'Art pieces and popular theater' is a concept that contains the following steps:

- I choose a popular theater company and a play. I select the most representative parts of the play, or let the director write a short version of the play. 

- I ask several artists to put art objects (sculptures) at my disposal. 
- I ask the actors to hold the art-objects in their hands during the play in such a way that the objects are visible to the public. The arm that holds the object is not acting but presenting the object. 
-  It is a life performance open to the public. Can be repeated at different places, with different companies.