3 June 2012

'still life, volumes (mind the system, find the gap, 02 06 2012)


photos © Bert De Leenheer

Dear ...,

My artists’ contribution for the exhibition ‘Mind the System, Find the Gap’ (2 June 2012 – 30 September 2012) in Z33, house for contemporary art in Hasselt (Belgium), consists of a work that takes the exhibition  itself as a context. I aim to create an ‘outside’ by connecting each art work of the exhibition with a product that has economically speaking exactly the same market value as the art work. By asking the spectator to make this movement from an inside to an outside, from one reality to another, I want to raise questions about today’s economic structures and how the art world is embedded in this. By textually listing the products, I create an imaginary volume that is subtly present within the exhibition (integrated on the labels of the works).

To produce this work I would like to ask you the exact selling price of your art work that will be exhibited in the exhibition.

If you prefer not to cooperate, for whatever reason, I would appreciate if you could let me know. For further questions on this project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Best wishes,